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Showing posts from March, 2011

Sale | Special Snacks from Ciamis

If you're missing Ciamis Culinary, especially Ciamis snacks, since you live in out of Ciamis area, you have opened the right site right now. We can help you to get your fave foods or snacks by accept your order and deliver the package of Ciamis culinary to your address. We're starting the offers with Sale Cau Ambon, one of fave snacks came from Ciamis. All you need is just to choose the name of snack, put the amount of packs and make an order in the online form on this site's sidebar. Share

Ciamis Traditional Market Snacks

Every Ciamis citizen who still lives in this regency area can get Ciamis traditional culinary easily. How about them who lives in other places now? Most of them just keep their dream to get and eat traditional culinary on special moment, such as Eid Day (more popular as Lebaran day) or else. Many of traditional snacks or special culinary will be shown on those events.